STEP 1: Get a ticket during the scheduled days and times
STEP 2: Come to the Giveaway during the time slot listed on your ticket
STEP 3: The day of the Giveaway you will park, line up, register, and collect your food
THE WEEK OF THE GIVEAWAY, we will have times set up for you
Monday, January 20 from 10 am – 12 pm
Tuesday, January 21 from 5 – 7 pm
To pick up the ticket you need to come to our building (535 Richland Rd., Marion, Ohio 43302) during the days and times listed above, where you will enter under the carport. A volunteer will be stationed there to greet you and hand you a ticket.
Your ticket will have a time frame that you can pick your food up from the Giveaway.
(example: 8 – 9 am, 9 – 10 am, 10 – 11 am)
This is to prevent any parking along the street, so DO NOT come any earlier than the starting hour of the time frame listed on your ticket.
If you are UNABLE to come and get a ticket during the scheduled times, then you are to come AFTER 11 AM the day of the giveaway, and NO EARLIER. But keep in mind that there may be limited to no items left after the 11:00 AM hour, and the doors will not remain open for long after 11:00 AM.
When it’s your scheduled time to come to the Giveaway, you will enter the parking lot, where someone will direct you to a parking space. From there, you will line up to enter the building, where you will be registered and directed to claim your food items.