At Richland Road, there are many opportunities for women to be involved in spiritual, service and social activities. Wednesday night Ladies Bible Classes, monthly activities, an annual retreat, and Secret Sisters teach, support, and encourage us in our walk with God. There are many ongoing and one-time service opportunities, which include teaching or assisting in Bible classes or Children’s Worship, working in areas of benevolence such as the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, the Clothing House, and the church food pantry. Helping those in need can also come in the form of preparing food for times of celebration, need, or bereavement; sewing quilts for those recently in the hospital and more. Socially you can find our ladies eating, taking in a movie, attending a craft or game night, or exercising together. Whether one-on-one, small or large groups, the ladies at Richland Road enjoy learning, worshiping, serving, and playing together.
Following are a few things we believe about and desire for our women’s ministry:
- Women are an important part of the church. Spiritually strong women help us have spiritually strong families and a spiritually strong church. We have tremendous roles, responsibilities, and influence. Entire families, churches, and communities are affected as women are drawn closer to the Lord.
- As a women’s ministry, we are a part of a larger body of believers, a larger mission and ministry of Richland Road. We want to interlock with and support other ministries where possible.
- We are a diverse group of women: Young to old, married, single, with children, no children, widows, new Christian, mature Christian, working outside the home, not working outside the home, etc.
- We are busy women pulled in many directions. We don’t need activities for activities sake. Our desire is for our activities to be purposeful and to strengthen our relationships with God, our families, and/or others.
- Our desire is to lead and point women to Christ. In doing so, we want to always glorify God and not ourselves, our ministry, or our church.
- We want to be women of faith, where one generation teaches then next and the next, leaving a legacy of faith for future generations.
- As Christian Women, we want to take seriously God’s instruction to take the gospel into all the world—to our own families, our community, and to the world.